Consumerism of a Different Variety — #hyperpigmentation

Consumerism of a Different Variety

#antioxidant #beard #brows #consumerism #creative #cuticles #eczema #finelines #hair #hyperpigmentation #industrydisruptor #melanin #psoriasis #seborrheicdermatitis #skincare #wrinkles

Consumerism of a Different Variety

Consumerism- a social and economic order that encourages the acquisition of goods and services in ever-increasing amounts. This concept has garnered plenty of scrutiny over the years and rightfully. We are a society addicted to consumerism. But what if we took this practice and applied to things we are passionate about and pursued our dreams? How much fulfilling would your life be? Well this exactly the path of consumerism we are currently taking at Stock Steady Supply Cosmetics. 🎥: Mandy Lynn for @unsplash

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